Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If You Want Other Things Than Shrimp Salad

seafoodsalad <--- This is a blog I just started dedicated to seafood salad recipes!

Monday, March 22, 2010

If you are hungry for some baked salmon, this is a site to visit: howtobakesalmon

ps. if you want to link that site it would be awesome. Tell me if you do, and I'll link you too! ds.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Very Simple, Tasty Shrimp Salad

What follows is a recope for an awesomely tasty shrimp salad, that I got from a friend. Try it out!

400g/ a half lb tasty shrimp without shell

200g/ ¼ lb fresh champignon

4 tomatoes

8 asparagus

1 tablespoon hacked yellow onion

1 tablespoon finely cut chives

2 hard boiled eggs

Dill leaf


1 ½ tablespoon vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon mustard

5 table spoon cooking oil

A dash of grinded white pepper

This salad, including shrimp, will be tasty if you do it this way:

Tend and rinse the vegetables and cook the asparagus. Slice the champignons, and cut the tomatoes in flat pieces (I don’t know the word for this) Split the asparagus in 3cm/1 ¼ inch long pieces.

2. Mix salt, peppar and vinegar in the dressing. Whisk the mustard and oil into the dressing. Mix the dressing with the vegetables and tasty shrimp.

3. Put the salad on a plate and decorate with the egg and dill leaf.

Bon Appetit and shit!

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